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The new generation of Microsoft Certifications

Today, I've just received MCP newsletter from Microsoft :

Dear Microsoft Certified Professional:

You already know about the newest versions of Microsoft® SQL Server™, Microsoft Visual Studio®, and Microsoft BizTalk® Server. We'd also like you to know that we're complementing these new products by introducing new Microsoft Certifications.

Consisting of four credentials in three series, the new generation of Microsoft Certifications provides IT managers with a simpler and more targeted framework to validate your skills. Better yet, they give you a tool to showcase your skills in a more relevant, more flexible, and more cost-effective way. And, as Microsoft releases new products, we'll introduce additional certifications.

The enhancements to Microsoft Certifications are based on extensive customer feedback and research. However, it's important to note that the hard work you've done in the past will continue to be recognized—Microsoft Certified Professionals will not be required to renew their current credentials, and your current credentials will remain valid. What's more, MCDBAs, MCADs and MCSDs on Visual Studio .NET enjoy straightforward upgrade paths for achieving new Microsoft Certifications in early 2006.

Microsoft Certified Professionals are a key component of the Microsoft family. During the last twelve years, over three million Microsoft Certifications have been issued—making this the largest certification program in the IT industry. The goal of this new program is simply to improve the value of your certification—for you as well as for the IT and hiring managers who rely on them.

To learn more, please read the informative FAQ at www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/newgen/faq or visit the new generation of Microsoft Certification website at www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/newgen.

Best regards,

Lutz Ziob
General Manager,
Microsoft Learning

I will try to get new certification as soon as they release, want to be one of first MCPD in the World